The Technology sector includes some of the fastest moving and evolving businesses today. Innovation, time to market and unique, differentiated solutions give a company a competitive edge.
Wired and wireless networks, designed for security and ease of management and cloud and premise communications systems keep a technology driven company on the leading edge, not necessarily the bleeding edge. Solutions from Enterprise Systems enable multiple teams located over multiple geographical locations to collaborate to make an idea into a working feature or product.
Advantages —
Travelling cost and effort can be saved
With remote video conferencing and efficient multi-channel collaboration tools, travelling between team locations is not required for inter-team communications.
Superior collaboration capabilities
With interactive whiteboards along with face-to-face video conferencing, remotely located teams can collaborate seamlessly.
Increased sales and improved marketing
Sales and marketing staff gets the ability to pull in a technical colleague to explain in-depth details of a pharmaceutical solution. This leads to improved sales conversions and improved marketing.
Real-time team member location
Use technology to locate and engage team members working in remote locations.
Support for a wide array of vendor solutions
We support and integrate with a large number of vendor solutions available in the market.