In today’s business landscape, companies are expected to do more than just generate profits. They are called to contribute positively to society, embodying a spirit of philanthropy that transcends mere corporate social responsibility. Enterprise Systems is a shining example of this ethos. As an expert systems integrator in Cloud and Premise Data Centers, Voice, Contact Centers, Wired and Wireless Networks, and Network Security, we understand that our role extends beyond technological excellence. We are deeply committed to making meaningful contributions to our community.

The Essence of Philanthropy in Business

Philanthropy in business isn’t just about writing checks or making donations. It’s about building a legacy of compassion and support that aligns with the company’s values and mission. At Enterprise Systems, our approach to philanthropy is holistic and multifaceted, reflecting our commitment to respect, trustworthiness, and honorable business practices.

Business Security Solutions Houston

Why Philanthropy Matters

Community Engagement

Engaging with the community through philanthropic efforts helps build stronger, more resilient societies.

Corporate Reputation

Companies known for their philanthropy often enjoy enhanced reputations, attracting customers and talent who share similar values.

Employee Morale

Employees take pride in working for a company that gives back, which can boost morale and productivity.

Social Impact

Philanthropy directly addresses social issues, providing support to those in need and fostering positive change.

Enterprise Systems’ Philanthropic Initiatives

Enterprise Systems has made significant contributions through various channels, supporting diverse causes and organizations. Here are some key areas where we have made an impact:

Financial Donations and Services

Our financial contributions and services are aimed at addressing critical needs and supporting valuable community services:

Churches and Mission Organizations

We provide voice and data systems to enhance communication and outreach efforts.

Homeless Services

Our support extends to initiatives that provide shelter, food, and essential services to the homeless.

Community Engagement and Partnerships

We remain actively involved with local Chambers of Commerce and business-related partnerships, ensuring that our philanthropic efforts are aligned with broader community goals. This involvement helps us stay connected with community needs and opportunities for impact.

Support for Notable Organizations

Enterprise Systems supports a wide range of organizations dedicated to various causes. Here are some of the key organizations we proudly support:

Church of Christ and Christian Chronicle

Supporting faith-based initiatives and publications.

Eastern European Mission

Providing educational and religious materials to communities in Eastern Europe.

MD Anderson Cancer Center

Contributing to cutting-edge cancer research and patient care.

Veterans of Foreign Wars and Paralyzed Veterans of America

Honoring and supporting those who have served our country.

PTSD Foundation of America

Addressing the mental health needs of veterans and their families.

March of Dimes

Advocating for the health of mothers and babies.

Alliance Defense Fund

Promoting legal advocacy for civil liberties.

Special Olympics

Empowering athletes with intellectual disabilities.

Battleship Texas Foundation

Preserving historical naval heritage.

Southern Africa Bible College

Supporting education in Southern Africa.

International OCD Foundation

Advancing research and support for those affected by obsessive-compulsive disorder.

The Impact of Our Philanthropy

The impact of Enterprise Systems’ philanthropic efforts can be seen in the lives we touch and the communities we support. Here are a few highlights of how our contributions have made a difference:

Improved Communication for Churches and Missions

Our voice and data systems have enhanced the ability of these organizations to reach and support their communities effectively.

Support for Homeless Services

Our financial and technological contributions have helped provide essential services to the homeless, improving their quality of life.

Advancements in Medical Research

Donations to institutions like MD Anderson Cancer Center contribute to life-saving research and treatment advancements.

Veteran Support

Through organizations like Veterans of Foreign Wars and Paralyzed Veterans of America, we honor and assist those who have sacrificed for our nation.

Mental Health Initiatives

Supporting the PTSD Foundation of America and the International OCD Foundation helps address critical mental health needs, offering hope and resources to those affected.


At Enterprise Systems, we believe that our success as a company is not just measured by our technological achievements but also by the positive impact we have on society. Our commitment to philanthropy reflects our values and our dedication to making a difference. By supporting a diverse array of organizations and causes, we strive to build a better, more compassionate world.

Through our financial contributions, community engagement, and support for notable organizations, we demonstrate that business can and should be a force for good. We invite you to join us in our philanthropic endeavors, as together, we can achieve greater impact and build a legacy of support and compassion for future generations.